Tuesday 23 July 2013

Going on Holiday? Things to think about to keep your home secure whilst you're away!

Are you unintentionally advertising you home and possessions to the opportunist burglar? When planning on leaving your home for that well deserved holiday break don't make the simple mistakes which announce your absence to those on the lookout for an easy crime.

1. Close the blinds and draw the curtains. 
One of the easiest ways to conceal the contents of your home is to simply close the blinds and pull the curtains. It seems obvious but criminals love nothing better than to have a quick window shop to help them decide on what valuables to take and whether it's worth the effort. It also means a burglar will be uncertain if you are there or not, if they can see inside and notice no movement then they are much more likely to break in.

Tip: If you do see unfamiliar people around your neighbourhood and are uneasy about leaving your home unattended whilst away you can always call the non emergency police and ask them to patrol the area a little more often. Whilst away on holiday speak to a neighbour or friend and ask them to keep an eye on the house and any unwanted activity from strangers. 

2. Broadcasting your travel arrangements on social media. 
Tweeting about your early start, the trip to the airport, the departures board, the delays, this only gives an exact itinerary of everywhere you are but at your empty house!  You post up pictures on Facebook of every meal, place and local you meet as well as 'Checking in' to your new destination, how very thoughtful to any would be thief!

Tip: On your return post up all your favourite photos and status!

3. Leaving the rubbish out before the pickup day
You may not want to miss the rubbish collection but leaving you bin out days before collection day is a sure sign your out of town, and any one observing your house will notice this straight away. Any bulky packaging for new items is best disposed of away from prying eyes as it's a nice inventory of all the lovely items that are available in your home.
Tip:  Again, ask a friendly neighbour to put your rubbish out with theirs and if not then you're just going to have to miss a week or two!

4. Leaving a note on the door for deliveries
You’re away for two weeks but expecting a delivery so you leave a message on the front door notifying the delivery man you're away and that any packages should be left with the neighbour, thus notifying the post man, delivery driver and everyone else to your absence!
Tip: Its best to try and rearrange delivery times to when you return however if this is not possible try a simpler message such as 'today please leave any packages next door.

5. Predictable automatic timers. 
Having lights and appliances switch on and off with automatic timers may seem like a great way to deter burglars but they are very predictable and will soon become apparent to any one closely watching your home.

Tip: The best answer is to use multiple timers with varying time scales as well as a PIR system which will activate any designated plug socket when the sensor detects movement. This will create a much more realist and natural effect with lights and appliances coming on and off at more varied times and whenever someone approaches a certain area of your property.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

All about CASAC - Community Action and Support Against Crime

It’s our aim to reduce crime and the fear of crime achieving a situation where every individual can live their life free from the fear of crime and in safer communities.

CASAC (Community Action and Support Against Crime) are an established West Yorkshire Social Enterprise that works with local people, the Police and other statutory agencies to improve community safety and are dedicated to reducing crime and the fear of crime. Our profits are invested back into the community through projects to tackle some of the root causes of crime such as prostitution and anti social behaviour.

At CASAC we only recommend the best products and trades people and will only install the highest level of security equipment. We actively look out for the next big thing in security that can support crime reduction efforts.  

We are a not-for-profit Home Security Social Enterprise with Charity status and have worked on burglary reduction projects with local communities, the Police and statutory agencies for over 11 years, securing more than 60,000 properties. Less than 0.01% of properties have been a victim of repeat burglary, where access has been gained through security products fitted by CASAC. We are extremely proud of this! 

CASAC Partnerships 
The charity side of CASAC works to set up projects in the local community that focus on getting people back into work. 

CASAC's profits also go towards sponsoring Neighborhood Watch schemes and funding Check Point and Burglary Reduction to assist vulnerable/elderly burglary victims by providing the target hardening service free of charge. 

Free Home Security Assessment
A free assessment that checks all doors have 5 lever locks or Snap-Secure Euro Cylinders on uPVC doors, if not then a recommendation will be made to change the locks via a quote which is provided at the time of the visit. The customer can then decide whether to accept the quote and have the work done or not. 

Target Hardening 
Usually following a security assessment, this service includes the fitting of additional security measures to a property, such as window/door locks, and door chains.  Attention is paid to uPVC doors, which have been identified by the West Yorkshire Police as a common entry point for burglars; weak Euro Cylinders are replaced by more robust anti-bump and anti-snap Euro Cylinders.

Check Point 
This free service operates to protect householders from bogus and “cowboy” tradespeople by providing recommended, local and reliable trades for home repairs, maintenance or improvements. Tradespeople are interviewed and checked regularly. Check Point covers Leeds, Bradford, Huddersfield and Wakefield.

CASAC Crime Alert
This free online service allows the public to register and receive e-mail/text message alerts when there is suspected criminal activity underway in the areas chosen.

CASAC Key Safe Project 
Provides a safe place for keys to be stored outside of the house. This is ideal for carers looking after elderly people coming out of hospital. 

CASAC Products 
We also offer a range of products including key cutting, safes, internal security, window locks, Bryson PIR sensors, home and office cupboard safes - installed and shed bars. 

Tio find out more about CASAC please visit our website www.casac.org.uk, you ca also find us on Twitter and Facebook.