Monday 30 September 2013

Top Ten Home Security Tips

Feeling secure in our homes is something we all deserve, but how many of us actually invest time and money into ensuring are doing the most we can to keep intruders at bay. October is National Home Security Month designed to create awareness around home security, and to highlight the ways in which you can keep your home and your family safe during the darker evenings.

Here's a quick list of our top ten security recommendations.

1.       Fit an Alarm
It's amazing how many homes don't have a good alarm system! It's the first security measure a thief will look for and it's a great deterrent. Installed in a visible place it'll really up your home security. Alternatively if you can't afford an alarm the use of PIR system to trigger an outside light or indoor appliance to make it seem as if someone is at home will make a big difference. CASAC offer both installation of alarm systems and PIR sensors, as well as a free home security assessment.

2.       Use high quality locks and change them if you have moved into a new house
Making sure you have strong and secure door locks is the most obvious of security precautions.  The use of weak Euro Cylinder locks on PVC doors and windows has lead to a rise in 'Bumping' which is a technique used by burglars to break the lock and access your home. If you've just moved into a new home we recommend that you change external locks as you never know who may have had a set of keys.

3.       Keep your home well lit at night
It may seem obvious but having an outside light on during the evenings and whenever you're not at home provides a simple yet effective deterrent to burglars. Even better would be a PIR system that is activated by any movement around your property and would either switch on an external light or appliance within your home such as a TV or radio. The genius of these systems is that they are accompanied with a timer so the appliance will switch off after a set time creating a realistic impression of an occupied home.

4.       Don't leave Windows and doors open
It only takes a thief 30 seconds to jump in through an open window or door and snatch your gadgets, keys, wallet or phone. If your’re heading out to the shops or even just in the garden it's still imperative to ensure you keep all your external windows and doors closed. Making sure valuables are out of sight of all windows, as would be thieves love to do a bit of window shopping first to decide whether it's worth breaking in.

5.       Don't advertise your holiday plans online
We've said it before and it really is a giveaway! Don't advertise that your home is empty over the internet. When you’re off on your holidays the best thing to do is upload your photos, videos and status when you return. If you don't have your social media privacy settings high then it's easy for anyone online to view your status and see you've just arrived at the airport for a well deserved two week break, which gives any unscrupulous visitors the green light to break into your home.

6.       Store your spare key at a neighbours rather than under the mat
It's tempting to leave your spare key under the door mat or nearest plant pot but these are very obvious place for a burglar to look. Instead leave a key with the neighbours or use a Key Safe that requires a code to gain access to the key stored inside. CASAC supply Key Safes and can easily fit one in a secluded place on your home. The other thing to remember is your unlikely to be able to claim on your insurance if you're burgled and the intruder has gained access through a key stored outside your home!

7.       Become a member of a neighbourhood watch scheme
It's a great way to meet the locals and really make a difference to your community safety. Knowing that other people in your area are keeping a look out while you're away is very reassuring and being able to offer the same in return is great for building a stronger community.  There are over 170,000 neighbourhood watch groups in the UK and to find out more visit

8.       Always have home insurance
If the worst does happen and you come home to find you have been the victim of a burglary then having good home and contents insurance is a must. It won't replace your sentimental items, but knowing you can easily replace your stolen property with little extra cost can help lighten the burden and get you back on track.

9.       Don't answer the door to people without an appointment and always ask to see identification
If you're not expecting visitors and you hear a knock at the door it could be an impromptu visit from a friend or it could be an unsoclicited visit from a salesman or cowboy builder claiming you need your roof replacing or drive repaving. Make sure you have a door chain fitted and always use it whenever opening your home to uninvited callers. Remember to ask for identification and call the company from a verified number such as the phone book to confirm who they are, not the number on the card which could be fake! If in doubt don't let them in and call the non-emergency police.

10.   Install a CCTV camera
Installing a high quality CCTV system is one of the top forms of security for your home, office, outbuildings or property. It not only acts as a visual deterrent but can also be vital in supplying evidence if criminal proceedings are undertaken. CASAC can supply and install CCTV.
If you need any of the above security measures or advice on how to better secure your home you can request a free security assessment to discuss your security needs and we can provide assured products and tradesmen to carry out the work. Please contact us for more details 0845 519 2122 on or email

Monday 16 September 2013

CCTV For Your Home Security Now Available From CASAC

Closed Circuit Television is one of the top forms of security for your home, office, outbuildings or property. It not only acts as a visual deterrent but can also be vital in supplying evidence if criminal proceedings are undertaken.

The reassurance and peace of mind that a CCTV system provides to home owners is second to none and the CS87T Real Time Wireless Camera System and its smaller counterpart the CS85DVR are two of the best systems on the market and are now supplied and fitted by CASAC.

Both devices come with an Internal/External camera and a 7" LCD touch screen monitor capable of controlling up to four cameras simultaneously and are activated by a PIR sensor which detects changes in temperature. The top range CS87T is capable of capturing high quality footage up to 150m in day light and 15m in darkness with its IR LEDs whilst the CS85DV can capture night time footage up to 5m.

When triggered the system will capture video at 25FPS (film quality) onto an SD card or transmit to a external recording device and can be set up to inform you if it's been activated by email or alert to your portable device (phone, tablet etc). The system can also capture audio from a microphone installed in the camera for extra sensory observation. The higher end CS87T can also be remotely operated from any portable device such as your phone or tablet which really adds an extra level of control and reassurance when you want to keep an eye on your property if you are on holiday or away from your house.

When purchasing either of the two CCTV systems CASAC will install, set up and insure you fully understand how to operate your CCTV unit and it's all included in the price quoted so you don't have to worry about correct installation, placement or operation.
To find out more or to purchase either CCTV system please call us 0845 519 2122 on or email

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Channel 4 Burgled - Burglary in Leeds

Last week's Channel 4 documentary filmed in Leeds entitled 'Burgled' followed West Yorkshire Police tackling the issues faced in the fight against burglary in Leeds.

There are over 675,000 burglaries reported each year and every 47 seconds a home is broken into, making Britain the most burgled country in the EU!

The documentary looked at some of the innovative crime prevention techniques being used by the Leeds Police force and how they have begun to see a fall in the number of burglaries and a drop in their crime statistics.
With interviews from both Police and ex-criminals it portrayed an insightful view into the mind state on both sides. One of the main issues brought up in the documentary was the ease at which criminals found access into homes. The programme showed various ways that properties were accessed and the types of burglary to be aware of and how to prevent them from happening:

Doors and Windows
The programme highlighted many homeowners leaving doors and windows unlocked and often wide open –this made it extremely easy for a burglar to sneak in without causing any disturbance.

Prevention – always ensure you keep your doors and windows not just shut but also locked if you are not in the room, especially if you are in the garden for example.

Targeting Elderly people
Sadly elderly people are often targets for thieves, sometimes posing as window cleaners or repair men. Often the home owner is distracted by one person whilst another sneaks in the back door.

Prevention – Always use a chain when opening the door and check ID for anyone who wishes to gain access to your home. If in doubt call CASAC Checkpoint which operates to protect householders from bogus and “cowboy” tradespeople by providing a recommended, local and reliable tradesman when you need home repairs, maintenance or improvements carried out across West Yorkshire.

Hanoi Burglary
This is when the home is broken into and the car keys are taken to steal the car as well. This is also known as ‘Car Key Burglary’ or ‘2 in 1’ burglary.

Prevention - Other than ensuring the security of your home always ensure that car keys are left out of sight in case you are the victim of a burglary. Don’t leave spare car keys in an obvious place like a kitchen drawer and don’t leave keys visible on a key rack or close to the door as they can be hooked out through the letterbox.

Student properties
As student properties are usually home to 3-5 people all with their own laptops, phones, tablets and other valuables they are ripe pickings for a thief!

Prevention - Always ensure all doors are locked, even when at home and be sure everyone in the house is doing the same. Ask your landlord to fit an external lock on each bedroom door so you can be sure that if the house is accessed then valuables in bedrooms are safe.

Read our guide for more tips on keeping student properties secure.
The police reiterated the importance of good home security such as locking doors, fitting an alarm and outside lights and not leaving valuables in view which they stated could reduce burglary by up to a third.

If you are worried about any of the issues raised in the Channel 4 Documentary or would like to know more about your home security, CASAC offer a free home security assessment where we can advise you on the best measures to secure your property and recommend products and tradespeople to carry out the work. Please contact us on or 0845 519 2122